Thursday, December 11, 2008

YouTube Advertisement

I created a YouTube video advertisement. I know some of the pictures are really blurry. I fully intend on making a better, more creative video soon!


Lola Cupcake Handmade said...

Pretty cute!!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

very cool!

Melissa said...

finally found your cute blog :) so lovely! would you like to trade link?

bri said...

The sprinkle thing is really cute...but wouldn't the sprinkles eventually discolor or rot? Even freeze-dried and vacuum-sealed food eventually rots. What's your experience with them? Do they last?

I LOVE the little fish tank pendant. SO cute! What'd you use for the pond pellets? I've been trying to find some beads like that, little hole-less ones. But I haven't been able to :C